Saturday, September 15, 2012


It's August 2010 and school is just getting back into swing. It seems lately that tension between Mutants and Anti-Mutant Humans has been getting worse over the past month. Why? January 1st, 2010, a woman known as 'The Scarlet Witch' used her powers to warp reality, making it to where the world consisted only of mutants. Of course, chaos ensued and she realized her mistake, reverting the world back, no-one remembering a thing. July 19th, 2010, she warped reality again, this time she attempted to eradicate mutations but was killed in the process. Mutations all over the globe began to recede, leaving little over 3000 mutants left. This has resulted in a great influx of students and refugees to a place located within New York called Xavier?s School for Gifted Youngsters. Kids from all around the world have flocked to his home and Academy so that they?d have a place where they wouldn?t be judged by everyone around them every second of their waking lives.

The world itself is on the brink of a civil war with mutants as their target. One person in particular is spearheading the movement ? Senator John Kelly. A group called Sapien League that consisted of religious extremists and other anti-mutant humans formed and began to openly attack mutants, often executing or kidnapping them.

All the mutants can do now is hope that everything blows over.

While at the Academy, their focuses seem to be rather mundane as the outside world keeps away from them ? Typical teenage things: Doing homework, finishing chores, deciding what color to dye their hair that day, who?s the cutest kid running around. They lead simple lives in this momentary calm ? But how long will this calm last?

Many of Xavier's former employees and X-Men have long since retired and allowed their offspring and other young mutants take up the mantle of leading on the new generation of mutants. Charles may be dead, but his dream is not. This is a different world - Where many of the students you once knew don't exist. In their place, this alternate reality presents the offspring of the Professors as well as a few others.

I know it may seem boring and mundane, but the story will begin with the setting of the beginning of the school year, many mutants from around the world have found themselves at the Academy either by running away, being dropped off, or being abandoned at the gates. As far as the student roles, the characters will

A: Be new students learning how to control their powers and adjust to living within the mutant community while accepting and even embracing what they are.

B: Be current students familiar with the Professors still learning how to control their mutation.

The Professors? All the weight of having to deal with these kids as well as some adult refugees, being X-Men, and trying to maintain their private/social lives has fallen on their shoulders as they?ve taken up the mantle of leadership.

And they are all dealing with the rising threat of a Human vs Mutant Civil War in which they may face a holocaust of the remaining Mutants, though there are mutant forces who will, of course, try to make it a holocaust of the humans.

Character Sheet Skeleton

Code: Select all
[img]Insert Character Image Here[/img]

[b]Full Name[/b]
[i]First. Middle. Last.[/i]

[i]Give about three or four. I don't want twelve million things that your character could be called. Give me what they prefer[/i]

[i]Male or female?[/i]

[b]Birthday and Age[/b]
[i]A specific year was given, so you should be able to use basic mathematics to figure this one out. In case not: 2010 minus your character's age equals the year they were born. Add a month and a day, and you're good to go. The age of the Professors is given. The Students can be between 16 and 19.[/i]

[i]A nickname relating to their mutation.[/i]

[b]Years Spent at the Academy[/b]
[i]Simple - How long have they been attending?[/i]

[i]Do I seriously need to explain this?[/i]

[b]Sexual Orientation[/b]
[i]We're big kids. We all know what this means.[/i]

[i]Are they a student or a Professor? And what do they teach? If they're a student, do they have some sort of job that they are charged with? Maybe helping with the groceries? Or helping with the kitchen work?[/i]

[b]Physical Appearance[/b]
[i] For this, I'm asking a well-worded description of your character that will include their height, weight, hair appearance, eye color, body build, skin color, and anything extra. Scars, tattoos, piercings, tails, horns, etc. Paragraph minimum.[/i]

[b]Voice Tone[/b]
[i]What do their voices sound like? Accents? Feel free to use the voice of your face claim.[/i]

[i]Let's get inside the mind of your character and see how they think. What's their initial disposition? What makes them tick? What do they like? Are they scared of something...or someone? I want detail here! How do they feel towards certain characters?[/i]

[i]What or who in particular does your character like and why? Be descriptive.[/i]

[i]What or who in particular does your character dislike and why? Be descriptive.[/i]

[i]What habits do they have? Where'd it come from? Is it good or bad? We want to know![/i]

[i]What extraordinary gift has the X-Gene granted your character? It's listed on the available Roles. I may allow the student characters to stray to another mutation.[/i]

[b]Mutation Attributes[/b]
[i]What are the effects of their mutation towards other people? What does their mutation allow them to do?[/i]

[i]Every character has a weakness - Even if it's just one. And I don't want that bullshit emotional/psychological weaknesses. What are their physical weaknesses? Mental? Emotional? Academic? Domestic?[/i]

[i]What weapons do they have? Items of sentimental value? Some kind of armor? Vehicles?[/i]

[i]What is your character's usual apparel?[/i]

[i]This ranges from combat to domestic and academic skills. What classes do they excel in? Do they have any talents besides their mutation?[/i]

[i]I'm not looking for emos, orphans, crazies, and other generic characters. But everyone has something wrong with them. Maybe its OCD, maybe their emotions get the best of them at times, maybe its a person they care for, maybe they have a few minor mental/emotional/psychological disorders? Not necessarily weaknesses, but quirks. [/i]

[i]I'm looking for quality detail here. Where did your character come from, what was their life like before they came to Xavier's? When did they discover their mutation? What or who lead them to where they are now? What was it that made them who they are now?[/i]

[i]Any quirks or random factoids?[/i]

Zalika Thema Munroe
l Tempest l 23 l Headmistress l Atmokinesis l FC: Meagan Good l Little Fox l

Edward Dane Eisenhardt
l Codename: ??? l 24 l Science Professor l Ferrokinesis l FC: David Henrie l

Chibueze Ayo Munroe
l Codename: ??? l 23 l Gardener and Literature Professor l Ecokinesis l FC: Chris Brown l

Morgan Anette Summers
l Codename: ??? l 20 l Sociology and Psychology Professor l Empathy l FC: Ariana Grande l

Markus Theodore Seliks
l Codename: ??? l 22 l Mathematics Professor l Chronokinesis l FC: Alex Pettyfer l

Cataleia-Inocenc?a Melina Rodriguez del Rosario
l The Raver l 22 l Mutation Application, Elevation, and Combat Professor l Acoustolumokinesis l FC: Adriana Lima l Little Fox l

Scarlette Wings
l Faery l 18 l Student l Butterfly Wings l FC: ??? l Thundera l

Henry Skip Fischers
l Overload l 16 l Student / Cook l Omnipotence through absorption l FC ??? l Roku Mushabuki l

Tristan Mitchell
l Shadow Mist l 17 l Student / Vent Cleaner l Nephelokinesis l FC: ??? l MaliceInWonderland l
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8

A few things that I should point out about each character.

A few things that I should point out about each character. Faerie-Canons are my OCs that I allow others to use, which would be Zalika, Cataleia, Chibueze, Markus, Morgan, and Edward in this case.

Zalika is the daughter of Ororo and T'challa Munroe and is technically a princess, as Chibueze, her twin brother, is a prince. Though they both chose to stay in the United States and take over running the Academy in the absence of the others since their graduation and have teaching degrees. These twins grew up with Morgan, Cataleia, Markus, and Edward and have all been best friends for as long as they could remember.

Zalika has all the same abilities as her mother while Chi's mutation reigns over the realm of nature. His Ecokinesis covers flora and fauna alike.

Edward is American/Polish and has the same powers as his grandfather and his mother, he is able to manipulate the earth's electromagnetic fields. He also has green hair like his mother, but often keeps it dyed. He has a degree in Geophysics. His mother is Lorna Dane - Polaris. That makes him the grandson of Eric Lensherr - Magneto.

Morgan despite rumors does not have her mother's powers. The Phoenix also never manifested within her because the Phoenix left her mother and went missing years ago. Morgan has the ability to see and feel what others feel. She can also change their feelings as long as they don't know that she's doing it or they don't have the will strong enough to resist it. She has a degree in Psychology. She is the daughter of Jean and Scott Summers.

Markus is American/Russian and has the ability to manipulate the time around him within a fifty foot radius and can focus this ability on individual objects. He has a degree in Mathematics Applications. He is the son of Rina Patel - Timeslip and a Russian Mutant.

Cataleia has the ability to generate and manipulate lights and sounds and while she doesn't have a degree like all the other teachers do, she is a master of various martial arts and weaponry and also spearheads the Fine Arts classes. (The class listed under her name is all one class) She is also a native of Brazil and her father is the old Combat Instructor as well as the leader of a mutant gang.

  1. Professionalism. This RP is intended for those who are able to make and bring a good story to an end, as such we expect each player to have a certain level of professionalism, present original and interesting characters, contribute to the story and not drop-out without even notifying.
  2. The decisions taken throughout the story will influence and affect the world around our characters. Every major choice has a consequence and will count towards the different endings.
  3. This RP is intended to be somewhere around 17+ as such romance, gore and tasteful "adult" situations are accepted. Lust is expected, just make sure if you want to engage into detail with the scene, then take that to the PMs. Blood, gore and violence is allowed at just about any levels as long as you don't exagerate. Strong language is also allowed but again, don't overkill.
  4. Stay civil on the OoC thread - All personal spats should be taken to PMs.
  5. No metagaming, mixing, auto-hitting, or godmoding. Its unattractive. If you want to autohit someone's character, ask permission first. Also, don't carry out battles through the IC like normal posts. Do a collaboration.
  6. Keep IC posts detailed - At least try to maintain 3+ paragraphs of detail with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Try to refrain from multiple short sentences containing six or less words. Also make sure to read everyone's posts and reply in accordance to whatever may pertain to your character. Also: When posting, don't post a bunch of meaningless BS just to take up word space.
  7. Don't post multiple times within a small time frame for dialogue - Collaborate with the other player(s) in RPG Write and post the Character Interaction as one post. This is not a race to see who can post before everyone else, so I suggest that there should be at least one post from each other Player between your last post and your next.
  8. Be active both In Character and Out of Character. I understand that you've got a life behind your screen to attend to and shit happens. But I seek active players. Don't apply to this RolePlay if you won't be able to keep committed to it. If you think that you might get 1/3 into the story and then lose interest, don't apply. If you're going to be gone for 4+ days, let someone know beforehand - I suggest that in the case of your extended absence, you should designate another player that you think would do well to play your character until your return. If you suddenly lose interest, don't just dip out and leave your character here. Kill them off or send them away via IC.
  9. Please try to be original and creative when making your character and don't make a Mary-Sue or a Gary-Stu. Your characters have to have some sort of flaws; Be it emotional, physical, mental, or psychological.
  10. I will allow the use for reservations. Be warned, reservations will only last for 48 hours. That should be sufficient time for you to think of your character and find the necessary information you need. If you need more time, do not hesitate to ask for it. Also note that I have the power to reduce the time if I see fit. I usually do not allow reservations, but for now I will make an exception. There are limited spots so this is not a first come first serve. Just because a spot is reserved doesn?t necessarily mean that someone else cannot ask for that spot and it does not mean guaranteed acceptance. I know this might seem like it cancels out a reserved spot, but it does not. I will allow two people to reserve one spot. It?ll be like a battle for the spot. Characters will be accepted depending on how detailed they are and if they followed the rules.
  11. I am God of this Role-play as this Role-play is my child. I am not a wrathful God, but I do not take kindly to those who usurp my throne. Please, let?s keep everything civilized and just have fun. If you would like to be my co-gm, then please do not hesitate to PM me. I could always use someone to help me manage this role-play and move it along.
  12. I intend this RolePlay to be as close to Marvel as possible. So, feel free to give your character awesome powers - Though I will limit the amount of 'OverPowered' characters to six. When all the characters are all powerful, things get dull because things become nothing more than a power contest. I warn you now - If your character begins to get out of hand because of your inablity to adapt them to the proper setting for the RolePlay to flourish, I hold the right to kill them off. As I stated before - I am God of this RolePlay. I am kind and fair. But I will not allow the story to be wrecked by immaturity.
  13. Be logical - The longer your student has been at the Academy, the better control they'll have over their mutation. Keep that in mind.
  14. There are Face Claims for my OCs that are up for "adoption". You don't have to use the Face Claims I've provided. Just let me know if you want to change out the Face Claim. You may ask why I have Face Claims - Simply because I know that for some people it's hard to imagine a clear picture of someone's character and Face Claims do help out quite a bit. Especially when dealing with writers who have difficulty when it comes to trying to describe physical appearance.
  15. You may also change their names, though try to keep it to character. Chibueze is an African, so his name should reflect his heritage. Etc etc.
  16. Again, there are limited roles as I do not want this RP to be overrun with too many characters. An RP tends to die when there are more and more characters in it. In your character sheet where the spot for password is, in capital letters, put Adonis if you have read the rules.

I really want to get this RolePlay started so, I'd like to get all the roles filled ASAP. Link to the RolePlay!


jessie j jessie j Tyrann Mathieu kobe bryant David Boudia David Rakoff Bourne Legacy

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